Tuesday 13 December 2011

College Magazine Proposal

Target audience

My main target audience will be male/female Christian students aged 16-18. This is because, being a Christian myself, I have a clear notion about what a Christian would look for in magazine that type of magazine.

·      What it will be about
I will hope to capture the diverse styles of gospel music that Christian students listen to. However the content of the magazine will also include sections for sports and other recreational activities that Christians participate in to socialise.

·      Ideas for Cover lines
I have decided to use such lines that will relate to the issues that most teen Christians face e.g. “How to cope with being a Christian”. In doing so I hope to make the magazine look appealing to my target audience.

·      The Title
I was really finding it hard to choose a title for my magazine. I was totally concentrated on making sure that it wasn’t too long but not too short and making sure that it really attracted my target audience. Considering those factors I came up with some ideas, these include: KP (Kingdom Project), GFM (Gospel Factory Magazine),

·      Fonts
The font that that I was thinking about using was “Princetown Let”. However after remembering that I could download a font online I have chosen to use “Birth Of  A Hero”, simply because it loos more appealing. Then the font for the context will be “Puritan 2.0 Regular”, because it looks basic and it suites the title font.

·      When & How often will it be published
I thought about the publishing times very carefully, thinking mostly about what kind of schedule would most-suite the magazine. After this consideration I decided that the magazine would be published every other week; the magazine needs too be quite frequent but not too frequent because the target audience is quite small.

·      Imagery and colour
For the front cover, I am expecting to use an image that shows both a male and female reflecting their Christianity. I will be taking these photos myself using my friends as models. On the contents page, I am going use images that will basically illustrate the content of the magazine.

·      Dimensions
The magazine cover will have the dimensions of 8.5 X 11 inches. I feel as though this is a standard size and it is also widely used.

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