Tuesday 3 January 2012

Double-Page Spread

This is my double page that I produced using Adobe InDesign. Firstly I added a couple of pages to a new document, creating the basic double page. Then I added an photograph to fill up the whole of the left hand side; I inserted the image and transformed it using rotation and fitting to make it suite the page. Then I used the text tool to add a title for a random article. After that I added three columns to each page for the article. This was then followed by adding a small introduction for the article. I customized all of the text to make it look more attractive; I took into consideration how big each piece of text needed to be so that everything was visibly appealing. Next I drew a box around each of the remaining spaces in the columns at the bottom of the right hand page. Then I used "Fill with Placeholder Text" to add random text, to make it look like a real article. I also added the magazine name in a small font twice at the top of the spread and also page numbers. Another thing that I did was to add another photo in the article; I used the wrap feature to make the image fit nicely between the text. On more thing that I did was to use the paragraph feature to position each column evenly spaced out.

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