Tuesday 15 November 2011

Initial Ideas

These are just some rough ideas about what I want my magazine to be like, I'm not positive that these ideas are exactly what my magazine will look like. Whilst creating the magazine I may completely ignore these ideas, they are just initial ideas.

  • Magazine aimed mostly boys rather than girls
  • It will be based mostly around music
  • Will be aimed at Christians
  • Front cover needs to be bright and eye catching- use strict vibrant colour scheme
  • Front cover should have a musician on he front playing an instrument.
  • Could have college students laughing together (Reflect college life)

Tuesday 8 November 2011


These are my two flat-plans for my Cover page and my Contents Page. I looked at other designs of magazines such as Vibe magazine to have an idea of how these pages should look. Although these are only designs, as I begin constructing the pages they may not look the same as these plans.

Cover Page

Contents Page