Tuesday 27 September 2011

My First Page

This is my very first page. I created this using Adobe InDesign. It wasn't hard to use, it just took some time to get used to using the tools that were available such as the "Ellipse Frame" tool. After a while I got the hang of Inputting text and images onto  the page and then formatting them to suite my liking.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

How I think Blogger will be useful for my Coursework

* Firstly I think that Blogger will be useful for my coursework in the fact that it will be easy for me to record the work that I complete, and also for other people to see the progress that I make. However not only will it show other people the progress that I make, but I will also be able to go back to my blog and see what I did in the past. Then upon looking at my previous work, I could get some inspiration for my next piece of work.

* Plus more, it will be useful because of how easy to access it is. I won't have any problems when it comes to updating it.

*Blogger has certain settings that allow you to customize the your blog with the designs that you want. So you can make the blog look just the way you want it to look. And you can also customize the layout of you r blog so you page is set out exactly the way you want it.

Things you can do with Blogger

- On thing that you can do with Blogger is you can communicate to an audience much easier; you can post certain information for people to see.

- Another thing that you can do with Blogger is to update it through Microsoft Word. You use the e-mail icon to send the text, that you input, straight to the web.